Meet The Artist

Kelly Mrocki
Kelly Mrocki is a dedicated mother of 2 and has worked in the early childhood sector for nearly 10 years. Over that time, she has written 3 children’s books, run sustainability programs for kindergartens throughout Melbourne, received the Higgins award from MP Kelly O’Dwyer in recognition of her work in the local community and won the 2018 Victorian Premiers Sustainability Awards. Kelly’s childhood years were spent growing up in the beautiful Dandenong Rangers sparking a lifelong love of nature. She loves going camping with her husband and family, singing with the Chocolate Lilies choir and tending to her veggie patch that was converted from unused lawn.
Kelly enjoys painting in a range of mediums, but has recently discovered a preference for painting Australian birds in watercolours. This inspiration came from volunteering at her local “Friends Of’ group, where all the beautiful birds would gather in bushland near their planting site.
Kelly has greatly enjoyed having free rein in her contributions to various projects for Smorgasbord Music and Dance and looks forward to participating in on-going projects into the future.